- Wo isst Hans am Mittag? Am Mittag isst er in der Gastwirtschaft. 中午汉斯在何处用膳?中午他在餐馆用膳。
- Wo isst Hans zu Mittag? Er isst im Restaurant zu Mittag. 中午汉斯在何处用膳?中午他在餐馆用膳。
- Wo isst Hans Mittags? Er ist in der Gastwirtschaft Mittags. 中午汉斯在何处用膳?中午他在餐馆用膳。
- Wohin isst Hans mittags? Mittags isst er in dem Restaurant. 中午汉斯在何处用膳?中午他在餐馆用膳。
- Hans was reading the lyric poem with heart and soul. 汉斯带着强烈的感情读这首抒情诗。
- Hans:Was your knowledge of the languages adequate for the job? 汉,斯:你的语言知识能胜任这个工作吗?
- Unfortunately he won't be here tomorrow evening. 可惜的是他明晚不在这儿。
- The Han was one of the earliest peoples to settle in Xinjiang. 汉人,是较早进入新疆地区的民族之一。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- Notecase in the pocket of his jacket when His Han was here. 他把手伸进夹克口袋里,证实钱包仍在。
- Wu Han are inhabited, scattered and mixed ethnic minority areas. 武都是汉族聚居、少数民族散杂居的地区。
- The horse's owner convinced people that Clever Hans was psychic when it correctly answered questions by tapping out coded answers with its hoof. 这匹马的主人让大家相信当克里佛·汉斯用蹄子敲打出编码答案而正确地回答出问题的时候,它是有灵魂的。
- You won't be blamed for playing cards for love. 没有人会责怪你打牌消遣。
- Zu Mittag essen Robert und Hans in der Mensa. 罗伯特和汉斯在大学生食堂吃午饭。
- I won't be back tonight, so don't wait up for me. 我今晚不回来了,所以不用等我了。
- Hans was too obviously flatteringthe gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 汉斯说,这位先生是他所见过的最有胆识的人。这种阿谀奉承未免过于露骨了。
- If a garment won't wash, it must be dry-cleaned. 用水洗就退色或缩水的衣服得乾洗。
- Hans was a very religious man. He behaved in a Christian way to all people including his enemies. "汉斯是个虔诚的宗教信徒,所以他用基督教的方式对待一切人,包括他的敌人。"
- Out with it, Jo! I won't be kept in the dark. 说出来吧,乔!我是不愿意被蒙在鼓里的。
- One evening little hans was sitting near the fire when he heard a loud knock at the door. 一天夜里,小汉斯正坐在火炉旁取暖,这时他听到有人在大声敲门。